Weingut Schmitges

03. Okt 2024 - 06. Okt 2024

Erdener street festival

Weingut Schmitges, Hauptstrasse 24, 54492 Erden

The Erdener wine and street festival has been extremely popular for many years. Every year we are delighted by the high number of visitors and the many positive feedback that the festival continues to provide. The wine route is open daily from 11:00 a.m. More information at: http://www.erden.de

10. Februar 2025 - 12. Februar 2025


German Pavilion, Halle 4 Stand J313-16

Now in its fifth year, this major event has broken all previous records and established itself as a central business hub and influential stakeholder for the wine and spirits industry worldwide. In 2025, Paris will once again let its big heart beat for you from February 10 to 12! More information at: https://wineparis.com/

16. März 2025 - 18. März 2025

ProWein Düsseldorf

Hall 1, Booth E40, Gutskomplizen

For 30 years, ProWein has been the only international trade fair for wines and spirits that covers the entire world market in depth. Accordingly, the exhibitors are just as international as the visitors, who every year come to ProWein to look for new vintages, the latest trends in the wine and spirits industry and new product highlights for their consumers. And these are exclusively experts in the industry, because the controlled admission means that ProWein is exclusively for experts. The spirits and wine fair guarantees valuable master classes and tastings in a professional atmosphere in the exhibition halls and a high number of business deals. Mehr Informationen: https://www.prowein.de

25. März 2025


Alte Güterhalle | Frierichstraße | 54470 Bernkastel-Kues

For professional audiences from gastronomy, trade and the press

As the oldest wine auction company in Germany, we have been standing for unique, hand-made steep-slope wines for over 125 years. We cordially invite you to this year's RING PRESENTATION in the special ambience of the Bernkastel-Kues goods hall. This day offers you a comprehensive insight into the new vintage, but also the opportunity to taste high-quality wines from past vintages. Our winemakers present their wines personally.Versteigerungsgesellschaft Deutschlands stehen wir seit über 125 Jahren für einzigartige, mit Herz und Hand
gemachte Steillagen-Weine. Wir laden Sie herzlich ein, zur diesjährigen RING-PRÄSENTATION in das besondere Ambiente der
Güterhalle Bernkastel-Kues. Dieser Tag bietet Ihnen einen umfassenden Einblick in den neuenJahrgang, aber auch die Möglichkeit, hochwertige Weine ausvergangenen Jahrgängen zu verkosten. Unsere Winzerinnen und Winzer präsentieren ihre Weine persönlich.

18. April 2025 - 19. April 2025

Vintage Presentation

Weingut Schmitges, Hauptstraße 24, 54492 Erden

Like every year on Easter weekend, we invite you to a vintage tasting. Come along and enjoy all the wines of the current vintage. Bring a few wine friends with you and discover in a relaxed atmosphere what the excellent 2024 vintage has to offer. 

When: 18.04.2025-19.04.2025 (Friday – Saturday), daily 13-18 Uhr
Where: Weingut Schmitges, Hauptstraße 24, 54492 Erden
Costs: 20€/Person 
Registration requested: 06532 2743 or by email to info@schmitges-weine.de

The Ring - Mosel

DER RING Mosel 1899 e.V. brings together 39 wineries from the Mosel, Saar and Ruwer – from Wiltingen on the Saar to Winningen on the Terraced Mosel – whose passion is to produce outstanding top-quality wines from the unique steep slopes of the MOSEL WeinKulturLand.

Go on a discovery tour and learn more about the RING's winemakers as well as the highlights of the wine year with the annual Riesling presentation in June and the auction of the best wines at the Riesling auction in September. More information at: ring-mosel.de

Our company Weingut Schmitges receives co-financing from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) as part of the Rhineland-Palatinate development program “Environmental Measures, Rural Development, Agriculture, Nutrition” (EULLE), which is managed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport, Agriculture and Viticulture by the state, funding for his services:

in agricultural and climate measures: environmentally friendly management of steep and steep areas in viticulture.

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